Dartis Willis loves many things including basketball and the City of Windsor. "The relationships that I've built and fostered over the last 12 years, it's a family."

Willis will continue to host family gatherings as the Windsor Express have joined the Basketball Super League. "New management to run the league. New referee'ing. All of those things give us a bigger bang for what we'll have here in Windsor when our players hit the court."
BSL president David Magley has been anxiously awaiting Windsor's commitment and the former NBL of Canada commissioner is excited to have the Express on board. "Dartis Willis and his ownership group have built a wonderful community-based organization that is consistent with the direction we want for our teams." said Magley in a statement. "The fans in Windsor are passionate and faithful and I personally cannot wait to see familiar faces when they tip off this season!”
Willis knows everything has a shelf life, including his time as CEO of the team, which is why he and his team did their due diligence and explored all options before joining the BSL to ensure the Express are on the right track to longevity. "That has driven me to make sure that I hold out and make decisions that's best for everybody." Willis said. "Making sure there's an entity so I can step back and let the next CEO function within a framework that has meat around it."
Willis says he was feeling tired at the end of the 10th anniversary season. "I'm energized now."
He is trying to host an in-season game at one of the Detroit casino's and is in discussion to play a pre-season game against the Detroit Pistons' G-League team in Windsor before their start of their season December 26th.
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